Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Post for Oct. 30 - Scott Collins presentation

Scott Collins gave a terrific presentation. For once, I felt like I was listening to a scientist who was presenting the facts...not a convenient version of selected data, but facts. The most compelling persuasion (for me) tends to be when facts are presented without bias and without any overt conversion-to-my-side sermon.

While driving home this evening, I tuned into a local talk-radio show and heard person after person slamming both those who would talk about global warming and vegetarians. What a ridiculous bit of propaganda. At the same time, the vegetarians who called in to protest were just as out of line as the naysayers. There has to be a middle ground somewhere.

While digesting this information, I am beginning to wonder if I should not be planning to retire a bit further north than I intended. If we, as a world, do not actively begin to address these issues, New Mexico may not be the healthiest place to be.

1 comment:

  1. By the way, thank you for posting the photos Jess. They are wonderful!
