Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Reading: Silko and Ecoart

Wow I love Leslie Marmon Silko! All of the few things I have read of hers are so powerful and true.  I adore the tone in which she so eloquently writes.  Her prose is so natural, delicate and powerful at the same time.

This past June I lost my mother to breast cancer, her comment on the Laguna view of death was so beautiful. 

"Death never ends feelings or relationships at Laguna.  If a dear one passes on, the love continues and it continues in both directions- it is required by the spirits of these dear ones who send blessings back to us, maybe with rain, or maybe with the feeling of continuity and closeness as well as with past memories...but here, it seems to me, we have an idea or memory or concept of a person enduring long after the actual, physical person is gone."  

And I loved that saying of a little knowledge of Plato is dangerous.  I personally dont care for Plato.  However when I hear small quotations of Plato, I find myself wondering why I didn't like him, then after more thought I recall that I do in-fact don't like Plato.

I liked reading about Ecoart and its various forms.  I really didn't have much of an idea of what I signed up for with this class, but I am so glad I am learning.  The Maintenance Art sound very intriguing, what comes to my mind is that stuff made out of Capri-Sun pouches.  I also liked the Silueta Series, that idea speaks on so many different levels.  Especially so now with global warming.

1 comment:

  1. Victoria,

    I'm sorry for your loss of your mother. You are a powerful and wonderful mother, yourself. Silko has a lovely way, in that short letter of tying together land and emotions. I am glad this study is helping you see this art practice and relationship. Thank you for being with us.

