Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Adventures Ahead
Unfortunately it seems that industry will not stop burning coal. The work of Susan Hovorka includes injecting CO 2 1,500 feet underground. This to me sounds equally dangerous. Do we really know the side effects of this? The article states that it will take time to make this process economically safe but what about environmentally safe? It does not seem probable for people to inhabit the moon, why not work harder to save the planet Earth. Better yet why not let the Earth haters move to the moon with their manufacturing plants, nuclear waste and gas guzzling vehicles. The information about biospheres is fascinating. The technology and design of the synthetic ecosystem has great potential. The end of the article "The Carbon Age" made me sad when the author stated that Smalley said"Action on global warming can be driven by heroic leadership or by events it will probably be events". Events will be late.

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